Christopher Columbus High School

A Catholic School for Young Men in the Marist Tradition since 1958
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Discover essential insights on digital safety with Richard Guerry's MyDigitalSafety content.

 It is highly recommended the videos provided for Students & Parents are previewed before showing them to children under 11.
Workshop Replay:
  • How You Can Help IROC2:
    • If you have any positive feedback from your faculty, your students, or you about our program, please feel free to share them  on;
  • If you found the program effective, please feel free to share this link to any schools or colleagues that may be looking for a similar program for their students.
Christopher Columbus High School | 3000 SW 87 Avenue | Miami, FL 33165 | (305) 223-5650
Brotherhood, Faith, and Scholarship define the Marist Brothers Catholic education at Christopher Columbus High School.  By making Jesus Christ known and loved and creating an inspiring academic and extracurricular environment, we prepare young men for higher learning and a life-long commitment to leadership and service through Gospel and Marist values.

Columbus is fully accredited by Cognia and is a member of the Marist Association of Secondary schools, the National Catholic Education Association and the Independent Schools of South Florida.