Christopher Columbus High School

A Catholic School for Young Men in the Marist Tradition since 1958

January 2022 Principal's Newsletter

From the Office of Principal David Pugh

Happy New Year!
We are so blessed to be back and engaged in our education, activities, and athletics. At this time of year, it is always good to re-evaluate our current situation and set new goals as we look to maximize our full potential. We should learn from our past experiences, make changes accordingly, and accentuate our strengths so that we give ourselves the best opportunity to succeed.

It is a new year, let us give thanks to God for providing us with unique abilities and invaluable opportunities as we continue to move forward.
COVID-19 Protocols Remain In Place 
We believe that our protocols have helped us to mitigate the spread of this virus on campus and maintain a safe educational environment while permitting us to remain engaged in the learning process without interruption. At this time, we will not make any changes to our protocols. However, we will continue to monitor our situation closely. We are encouraged by the most recent seven-day positivity rate (21%) in Miami Dade County. This number continues to drop, so we will keep a close eye on our internal and external numbers before making any adjustments to our protocols.
Marcus Lemonis and Marios Sueiras Center for Science & the Arts Opens for Classes
We started the second semester with the opening of the beautiful Marcus Lemonis and Mario Sueiras Center for Science & the Arts.  On January 18th, two months ahead of schedule, several classes transitioned to the new building.  In the next few months, we will be finalizing all aspects of the center for grand opening celebrations in April which will include a Donors Dinner and a Ribbon Cutting/Blessing Ceremony.
Silver Knight Nominees Are Announced
This year Columbus has a nominee for each of the 15 categories, a testament to our faculty and the manner in which service is promoted throughout our entire school community. Congratulations to our 2022 Silver Knight Award Nominees:  Ryan McMillan (Art), Fernando Mendoza (Athletics), Benjamin Boyers (Business), Andrew Falconi (Digital Media), Kevin Cordero (Drama), Justin Aguiar (English & Literature), Hans Bendixen (General Scholarship), Manny Naccarato (Journalism), Christian Ebo (Mathematics), Jan Andretta (Music & Dance), Lucas Martinez (Science), Gabriel Paz (Social Science), Marcelo Andreu (Speech), Javier Cunat (Vocational Technical), Juan Pablo Garcia-Casals (World Languages).  Special thanks to Mrs. Galvez-Cuesta and Mrs. Cibran.
Columbus Films Swept the Short Cuts’ Awards and Won Best Acting in Berlin Indie Film Festival
The Film Club’s A New York Bromance not only won the Viewer’s Choice Award at the Short Cuts’ Awards but also the Critic's Choice Award which was based on the scores of the judges.  BECON-TV’s Short Cuts is a television program created to showcase short videos and films created by high school students in South Florida. Congratulations:  Julen Herrerias, Andrew Orideres, Luca Buonocore, Stefano Sullo, Kevin Cordero, Fernando Fuentes. The club also won best acting in the Berlin Indie Film Festival for a movie they created in 2021 entitled The Pink Wallet.  Special thanks to moderators Mr. Diaz and Ms. Rodriguez. 
Electives Fair
The Course Selection Season began with a very helpful Electives Fair hosted by the Guidance Department.  The faculty and students did a great job explaining the many different elective courses that Columbus has to offer.  Thank you Ms. Vinson
CCNN Live Won 16 Awards in the STN 2021 Fall Nationals
The CCNN Live team, led by Mr. Delgado and Mrs. Insua, won 16 awards (including six 1st places) in the 2021 Student Television Network Fall National Competitions.  Here’s a recap:  News Story: First Place (Patria y Vida); Second Place (Reptile Rampage) and Honorable Mention (Haunted Circus); Lifestyle Reporting: First Place (What a Stupid Question); Sports News Story: First Place (Explorers Travel to Georgia); Honorable Mention (Preseason on the Pitch); Honorable Mention (Preseason Battle of the Titans); Sports Feature Story: First Place (Faster, Higher, Stronger The Eddy Alvarez Story); Public Service Announcement: First Place (Little Suckers) ; School Promo: First Place (Columbus Playoffs Road to States); Honorable Mention (Lead The Way); Mobile Journalist: Second Place (Veterans Day at Christopher Columbus High School); Feature Story: Third Place (Tour de Conch); Commercial: Third Place (Donuts); Show Open/Intro: Honorable Mention (CCNN Live Intro); Community Feature: Honorable Mention (The Underline).  CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL WINNING VIDEOS.
Entrepreneur and Philanthropist Kuda Biza Visited Columbus  
We were honored to have the amazing entrepreneur, philanthropist, and author, Mr. Kuda Biza, as a guest lecturer to the Carricarte Business, Leadership and Entrepreneurship and Black Student Organization students.  Mr. Biza inspired our students with his life story and provided many tips for succeeding in life. Special thanks to President Kruczek, Mr. Corazon, and Mr. Campbell.  Learn more about Kuda Biza by CLICKING HERE
College & Career Services Hosted an Understanding Your Financial Aid Letter Workshop
The College & Career Services Department hosted an “Understanding Your Financial Aid Award Letter” virtual workshop which had 138 attendees.  Students and parents had the opportunity to hear from four institutions about how they each calculate financial aid and answer questions. The expert panelists included:  Katie Conrad (Sr. Associate Director of Financial Aid at FIU), Mary Nucciarone (Director of Financial Aid, University of Notre Dame), Antonio Serrano (Assistant Director, Ohio State University), and Chris Magnan (Sr. Financial Aid Advisor, University of Miami).   Special thanks to Mrs. Martinez.
Students Participated in the Team America Rocketry Challenge
The Columbus Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) flight tested their first rocket, achieving an altitude of 876 ft. The team will now move on to build and test a larger, more powerful rocket to carry two eggs and return them safely to the ground. The top 100 performing teams will compete at the National Finals.  TARC is part of the newly formed Columbus Club - Students for the Exploration & Development of Space (SEDS). Columbus is the fifth high school in the U.S. to have a student-led chapter and the only one at the high school level in Florida. Congratulations  Andres Cruz, Erick Gonzalez, Alain  Gonzalez, Jorge Garcia, Benjamin  Araya, Mario Villaverde, Mitchel  Corteguera and Justin Hunter.  Many thanks to the club’s moderator who is our engineering teacher and also serves as a Solar System Ambassador for NASA, Mr. Armando Rodriguez.
EMT Program Students Visted with Firefighers and Paramedics
Students in our EMT Program received an introduction to the ins and outs of a Miami Dade Fire Rescue vehicle when they visited with several firefigthers and paramedics from Firehouse 3 (Jeff Suarez 89',  Ralph Baena 98',  Juan Del Campo 00',Gonzo Garcia 91' and Robert Ortga-Columbus Dad ).   Special thanks to Columbus EMT Instructor Matthew Chica ‘12 and Barry University Program Director Marco Torres 91'.
Future Business Leaders of America Won Top Awards at Districts
The following students placed at the FBLA District Competition.   Accounting 2:  Jake Patience 1st Place, David Rodrigues 2nd Place, Patrizio Lorenzo 3rd Place; Advertising:  Nicholas Foley 3rd Place, Agribusiness;  Gustavo Jimenez 2nd Place, David Salazar 3rd Place; Banking and Financial Systems Team:  1st Place Alan Munschy, Christian De Vilers, and Nicholas Postel; Business  Communication:  Andrew Maghak 2nd Place; Economics:  Joseph Shore 1st Place, Justin Aguiar 3rd Place, Benjamin Boyers 4th Place; Health Care AdministrationLucas Martinez 2nd Place; Impromptu Speaking:  Phillip Castro 2nd Place; Insurance and Risk Management: Ryan McMillan 3rd Place; Intro to Business Communication: Adrian Jimenez 2nd Place; Intro to Business Procedures:  Matthew Perera 3rd Place, Lucas Duran 4th Place; Intro to Financial Math:  Fernando Pascual 3rd Place, Andrew Verdeja 4th Place; Intro to Parliamentary Procedure:  Carlos Ramos 4th Place; Intro to Public Speaking:  Bruno Barreiro 2nd Place; Job Interview: Ethan Centeno 1st Place; Political Science:  Joseph Millan 2nd Place, Joseph Nerey 4th Place; Supply Chain Management: Eric Alvarez 3rd Place.  Thank you to moderator Mr. Corazon and to Mr. Berch, Mr. Scholer and Mr. O’Neil for helping prepare the students.
Model U.N. Team Attended University of Florida Conference
Our Explorer Model UN Team attended its first conference of the year - Gator MUN, at the University of Florida.  Joseph Alonso ‘25 and Enrique Villamil ‘23 took home Honorable Delegate awards, while Gonzalo Palenzuela ‘23 was awarded verbal commendation.  Special thanks to Mr. Lynch and Mr. de Tuya for all their hard work coaching the team. 
Explorer Debaters at the Florida Capitol
As result of their efforts for finishing first and third at the Florida Civics and Debate Initiation Championship, Sebastian Santana and Martin Seals were awarded an all expense paid trip to Florida’s Capitol. The pair met Florida Supreme Court Justice John Couriel (CCHS alum) as well as Governor Ron De Santis. They also visited the state legislature and the court house.   
Mother and Son Mass & Breakfast
Campus Ministry coordinated a beautiful and heartwarming Mother and Son Mass & Breakfast which this year took place on the field and had an attendance of over 1600.  Senior Andrew Quintana was a guest speaker and President Kruczek closed the ceremony leading a special blessing. Thank you to Ms. Tellechea and to the Marist Brothers, Administration, Faculty and Staff for their collaboration.   
Campus Ministry Leaders Are Prepared for Service Work
The Campus Ministry Leaders Retreat &  Workshop prepared Campus Ministry leaders for service. Thanks to Br. Tom, Mrs. Alegret, Br. Peter, Mr. Isenberg, Mr. Rodriguez, and Amaury Amarante, '21.
Freshmen Attended the Kerygma Retreat
Kerygma is "the Good News," of Jesus Christ. This year we had a great group of freshman who participated in the Kerygma Retreat where they had the opportunity to discover Jesus through talks, small group discussions, scripture, prayer, games, and activities.  Thank you to the  Campus Ministry Retreat Leaders who led the retreat and to Mr. Campbell and Mr. Deville.
Retreat Leaders Served at St. Mary's Cathedral School 
Our Campus Ministry Retreat Leaders served at St. Mary's Cathedral School's Fifth Grade Retreat, helping to "make Jesus known and loved." 
Marists of Champagnat Gathering 
The first gathering with Marists of Champagnat from Columbus (first and second cohorts) took place on campus.  It included a prayer experience led by Br. Marcos in the chapel, a reflection on the unitive component to our Marist way of life from Mr. Machado and ended with refreshments in our Patriot Plaza.  Special thanks to Mr. Alberto Rodriguez for coordinating the experience.  To learn about the Marists of Champagnat - CLICK HERE.
Basketball Team Ranked #1 in the State – Won GMAC Championship
The basketball team, under the leadership of Coach Moran, is having one of its most successful seasons, ranking #1 in the state in January and winning the GMAC Championship.  The team is currently preparing for District Competition scheduled to start on February 8th.
Congratulations to the Miami Herald's Fall 1st Team All Dade Winners
To view all the names of Columbus student-athletes s who were chosen as First Team All-Dade by the Miami Herald - CLICK HERE.  
Soccer Team Won the GMAC Championship
The Varsity Soccer Team won the GMAC Championship  and is currently competing in District Competition. Team Captains Christian Guadagno '22  and Lucas Levine '22 are pictured proudly holding their team's GMAC Championship Trophy with Principal Pugh and Head Varsity Soccer Coach Kameron Clark '10.  
Explorers Attended a Student ACES Leadership Conference at St. Thomas University
Several Columbus student-athletes were able to attend a leadership conference at St. Thomas University led by Columbus alum Buck Martinez though his Student ACES  initiative.  
Car Club Field Trip to Revs Institute
The Car Club visited the Revs Institute in Naples, an educational institution dedicated to the study, preservation, conservation, and restoration of historically significant automobiles. Thank you Mrs. Alonso.
Sophomores Visited Islands of Adventure
On the morning of January 29th with temperatures in the 40s, the Sophomores went on their Class Trip to Islands of Adventure in Orlando.  In spite of the chilly weather, a fun time was had by all.  Special thanks to Ms. Brown, Mr. Connell, Mrs. Alonso and all the chaperones!    
Denim Edwards ’22 Profiled by Step for Students
Denim Edwards was featured in a news article published by the Step Up for Students Organization for his successful high school career at Columbus.  Denim, who will be attending the U.S. Naval Academy Preparatory School where he will part of their football team, has demonstrated great leadership skills, academic prowess, and dedication to his community.  We are proud of you Denim!   VIEW ARTICLE
Kevin Cordero ’22 Published a Play
Kevin Cordero, member of the Columbus Theater Troupe and Silver Knight Award Nominee for Drama, has published a one act play that he wrote.  One Step At a Time focuses on the struggle and illness that people living with drug addiction face. It is now available on Amazon. Congratulations Kevin!
James Sacher Wins 1st Place Trophy at the University of Houston’s Cougar Classic Debate Tournament
James Sacher is this year’s University of Houston Cougar Classic Novice LD Champion.  He not only dominated the tournament, he was undefeated in prelims 5-0, and went 10-1 across all judge ballots.  Congratulations James!  Thank you Mr. de Tuya.
Faculty & Staff Receive “Sanguiches” Courtesy of Marcus Lemonis
Alum Marcus Lemonis surprised our faculty and staff again this month but this time it was with “sanguiches”.  He had Sanguich de Miami Restaurant deliver 195 kits to Columbus which contained everything needed to make four authentic Cuban Sandwiches.  Special thanks to Sanguich owners, Daniel Figueredo and Rosa Romero.

It’s Pig Roasting Time
Join us for the Columbus Family Picnic & Pig Roast on February 12th from 12noon – 5:00pm.  For more information and to purchase your tickets CLICK HERE.
Upcoming February Events to Remember:
2/1 – 2/4:        Catholic Schools Week
2/2 – 2/4:        Junior/Senior Encounter (Morning Star Renewal Center.)
2/7:                 Maximizing Your Scholarship/Financial Aid Workshop (6:30pm, Zoom)
2/9:                 Dangers of Drugs & Vaping Lecture (6:30pm, Cafeteria)
2/12:               Family Picnic & Pig Roast (12 – 4:00pm, Field)
2/14:               Walk-a-thon Holiday (No School)
2/21:               President's Day Holiday (No School)
2/24:               Junior Ring Ceremony (7:00pm, Field)
2/25:               Career Day
2/26:               Car Show (9 – 3:00pm, Parking Lot)
Christopher Columbus High School | 3000 SW 87 Avenue | Miami, FL 33165 | (305) 223-5650
Brotherhood, Faith, and Scholarship define the Marist Brothers Catholic education at Christopher Columbus High School.  By making Jesus Christ known and loved and creating an inspiring academic and extracurricular environment, we prepare young men for higher learning and a life-long commitment to leadership and service through Gospel and Marist values.

Christopher Columbus High School has been selected as a 2024 Cognia School of Distinction and is fully accredited by Cognia, as well as a member of the Marist Association of Secondary Schools, the National Catholic Education Association, and the Independent Schools of South Florida.